Monday, March 16, 2015

Temple | 5 Year Old Portraits

To say this is one of the coolest kids in the world is an understatement! Her JJ asked me to take some shots of Temple for a painter to refer to.  JJ gets portraits painted of the children once they are five years old.  These photos were quite the challenge to get, because this little lady wouldn't quit dancing.  And that is what I absolutely LOVE about her.  She is constantly laughing, dancing, and being silly. I really hope that I have kids that are just like her and her sister one day.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Lessons From My Grandmother

Recently my husband and I having been talking through ways we can best love our neighborhood and the people around us. As we've been sifting through different ways to serve others it has reminded me of times that others have served and loved me well. Specifically, it has reminded me of the many lessons I learned from my grandmother.

Grandmother would pick us up from school every day, and kept us during the summers. She was constantly teaching us, though I am sure she didn't always know it. Now 87 and still kicking, she has way more friends than I do, and she is quite the firecracker. But most importantly she continues to love the people around her well.

I wanted to share with you some of the lessons that I have learned from her, hopefully you too can learn something from a pretty awesome lady.

  1. Pray for the small things.
    I remember one day when we had gone to the Crumley Chapel walking track to walk some laps and wait on my cousins school bus. Once we got back in the car Grandmother could not find her keys. She immediately started praying out loud, “Oh Lord, I'm old and cant remember where I put my keys. Please help me find them.” A few moments later she found them and stopped to thank God for the help.
    There are many memories of her praying for little things, like lost keys. I know to some this may seem ridiculous, but it made a huge impact on me. It taught me that the smallest worries in my life were important to the Lord, it taught me that nothing was beyond His reach, and it taught me that I can go to Him at any moment.
    God cares for me in the little moments and He cares for me in the big moments. Don't neglect calling on God for help because you think that He doesn't care. He does care, and you are important to Him.

  2. Remember the Hymns
    Sometimes Grandmother would drag me to her choir practice. It was the worst. I guess I looked pretty miserable during one particular practice, because she turned to me and said “You need to pay attention to these hymns and remember them. It will do you good when you get older.” At that time I thought she was lying, but as I get older I've realized how important it is to remember the hymns. There have been many days where I didn't feel like I had the strength to open the scriptures but I had the amazing words of Louisa M. R. Stead heavy on my heart:

    Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
    And to take Him at His word;
    Just to rest upon His promise,
    And to know, “Thus says the Lord!”

    Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!
    How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er;
    Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
    O for grace to trust Hm more!

    Just the other day My husband and I realized how much of what we know in the Psalms comes from the songs we sing and listen to. Often, the amazing thing about hymns is the help the provide to remember the promises of God, and comfort they bring in the darkest of times.

  1. Take In The Needy
    Grandmother would pick up her four grandkids from school everyday, and many days there were more than just us. She couldn't stand to see a child walking home alone, and when she did, she would pull over to give them a ride. Not only would she take them home, but she would take them to church as well. She was the first to jump into action if there was a need, even if it didn't seem like a need to the rest of the world.
    (Grandmother dressed up like a race car driver, and then showed up to the family reunion on a four wheeler. Her sponsor was sweet tea.)

  2. Use Your Life To Serve Others 
    Once a week Grandmother would deliver meals to those that could no longer drive or make meals for themselves. Staying with Grandmother in the summer also meant we would serve meals on wheels with her. She would give them their lunch and visit with them for a while. Even as a child I could see the joy that those people experienced just by having a visitor.
    It may seem like an easy job, but there were cases where it required a great deal of bravery. One particular house had a fence you had to go through that held in two german shepherds before getting to the front door. I remember grandmother looking at me and saying, “Don't pay attention to the dogs, just look straight ahead until we get inside.” She was willing to walk through anything to serve others, even if it meant an uncomfortable situation.
    What a great picture for how Christians are to serve those around us. It can be tempting to only serve when the situation is easy and we're well within our comfort zone, but Christ calls us to more. He calls us to step outside of comfort, to take risk when it comes to serving, and sometimes He calls us to walk straight through vicious german shepherds to share His great love.
  3. Don't Waste Your Body
    Once a week my Grandmother would go to a senior citizen exercise class offered at the church down the road from her house. Now maybe that doesn't seem like a spiritual thing at all, but I believe that it is. The Lord has given our bodies to us as a precious gift. In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Paul says, “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” We are to glorify God in our bodies, and one way we can do that is to take care of them. I'm not saying that you have to hit the gym 5 days a week, I sure don't. Honestly, I think it looks different for everyone. My grandmother strived to glorify God with her body by walking around a gym twice and lifting a foam ball abover her head. I encourage you to think about what that may look like for you.

  4. Encourage The Gifts You See In Others
    As a believer it's vital that we seek to encourage those around us. One way we can encourage others is by recognizing their gifts, and helping them to strengthen and utilize those gifts to the fullest. When I was younger my Grandmother would buy my countless art supplies. She was constanly pushing me to be creative, she even went as far as to display my terrible art in and around her house. Once, she even bought me the 64 pack of crayola crayons... BEST DAY EVER! I spent the rest of that day drawing pitures in order to convince her (and myself) that my art had gotten exponentially better because of my countless color choices.
    Now, I don't consider myself a great artist by any means, but I know that with the little bit of skill I have I can use to glorify an infinitely creative God. And that's the whole point - to glorify God. We should want to glorify Him and we should want those around us to glorify Him as well. Maybe you notice that your friend is a great cook, or maybe they're great at sports. Encourage them to pursue those passions as gifts and then use the gifts to advance the kingdom of God.

  5. Never Neglect the Word
    Like clockwork, every morning my grandmother would go the the back room in her house and read her Bible. She never neglected her time in the scriptures, and that spoke louder than any words ever could. She could have just told us everyday that we needed to be reading our Bibles, but she didn't. She showed us the importance of spending time reading the Bible, and she showed us that her first priority was to spend alone time with the Lord.

    (Here she is trying to be the center of attention... just kidding, we made her lay across us.)

  6. Never Stop Exploring
    Grandmother was and is constantly exploring the world around her. She loves to travel and has been doing so for years. She is not by any means a rich woman that goes on lavish vacations, but she uses her money wisely in a way that allows her to explore this world. That's inspiring to me. We don't have a whole lot of money, but that doesn't mean we can find an adventure and explore this world God has given us.  

    Who are some people that have inspired you? What are some lessons that you learned from them?