Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sojourn Church does ALS challenge.

I was a little hesitant to do the ice bucket challenge at first.  It seemed a bit silly to me, and I was concerned about the money going toward embryonic stem cell research.  My mind was changed after I realized the gratitude and support that came from those actually suffering from ALS.  Also, you can donate to the Mayo clinic in order to ensure your money will not be used for embryonic stem cell research. 

Most of us from Sojourn Church were challenged and we decided to all do it together.  It was a bonding experience to say the least... Even the kids got in on it! 

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Kelly Ripa was so right...

One morning, around this time last year, I was watching Live with Kelly and Michael. If you know me, you know that I love Kelly and Michael. In my head we are best friends. Anyway, that morning they were discussing what age was their best age. Kelly immediately said that her favorite age was 23. This was exciting news for me since I was days away from turning 23. Everything in me hoped that she was right.

KELLY RIPA WAS SOOOO RIGHT! 23 was the best year yet. I know that (Lord willing) I have a lot of life to live, but it is going to be awful hard to beat 23. Here are a few reasons that this past year was the best year:

I got to marry the best looking guy in the universe,

After I married him, I got to go to Jamaica with him!

I got my first tattoo,

                                                I finally settled into my new town (nashville),