Monday, July 21, 2014

Souls, Stories, and Stockholm

Though I only spent a little over a week in Sweden, I can look back and see that I had many great experiences. One of the greatest experiences was simply getting to walk around and talk to the people that lived there.
I have a great curiosity when it comes to other humans and their stories.  I always have. I love people and I love stories.  I think that is why I love antiques so much... They belonged to a person from another time, and that person had a story. 
It is my personal belief that we are created by God (though that my not be yours), and he made us in a way that we can relate to one another. There is hurt, happiness, disappointment and love.  It really is amazing to see that we are all created to be so different, but there are commonalities in every soul.  
We all have a story to tell, but at the same time, we should be willing to hear other peoples stories. We should be interested in those around us.  I encourage you to find a stranger and asks them about their story. 
Maybe that means being brave and just talking to someone at a coffee shop, or maybe that means you create a project that can allow you to meet others and share their stories. 
Just try it, you will be glad you did! 


Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Looking for some new music?  I have some pretty great stuff for you to check out.
While in Sweden, I got to hang out with three incredible guys.  They make up the band Valerihana.  Not only are they great people, but they have some pretty great tunes.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Nature Paint Brushes

Want a fun craft to do this summer?  This one is a winner.  You can even make it into a game.
I told the girls they had to make their own paint brush, but they could only use things that they found outside. It was so fun, and wasn't over in 30 seconds like most crafts I attempt.